Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 pounds, 6 pounds, 7 pounds

Yesterday morning in PT, I graduated to doing weights with my exercises. Oh yeah!

Melissa even had me do something that would make Trainer Tom cry.

Looks simple enough but those are hard! It was a struggle to do 20 per leg while keeping good form. Definitely spent a lot of the day yesterday at work getting up close and personal with an ice pack.

Tonight I'm attempting my first formal poi lesson in four years. Isa Isaacs of Temple of Poi is visiting Chicago this week and offering lessons and workshops to the fire dancing community. Very exciting to have one of my old teachers from San Francisco in town! I let her know about my injury so we're laying off complex behind the back tricks but I'm very much looking forward to learning some new moves.

1 comment:

  1. hahah! i just found this post on line K8! :) love to you! ...isa
